Monday, March 7, 2016

Type Hierarchy

In typing hierarchy it is important to have three levels of type. The first level of your type should be the largest. This is the level that is going to grab the readers attention. This will also be the most important text in your design. Level two is meant to organize your design. This level will guide the readers eye deeper into the topic or what he or she is looking to find in the article. This text is generally smaller than Level one and stands out less. Level three is where you get into the details of what the design is all about. This is where one would usually find the copy-write material but also where you would find a detailed description of the product or idea. This text should be the smallest in size. It is important also that this level is in a font that is easy to read since it will be small. All of these levels are important in a design because they introduce the idea to the viewer in an organized fashion.

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