Wednesday, March 16, 2016

EG Logo Design

this is my finished logo with an added design. this spoke to me because at first i wanted to do a ying and yang theme because of the contrast i encompassed with the water and earth theme. When i started to build the design behind the logo and started thinking about ying and yang, black and white, I did what i have a habit of doing, i added a twist. I came to the conclusion that ying and yang disregards the "gray areas". a lot of people disregard the gray areas in life. things aren't always one way or another, and there is always a way to bend something or see it differently. that's what i want my logo to stand for, not just the differences around us, but the space in between that isn't so different. the gray area that blends together all of our hard and fast rules. that's what connects humans, our "what ifs" and "maybes" and "don't knows". As much as we like to pretend, everyone isn't sure sometimes, and that's what makes us humans, and should be what keeps us together.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting choices. I love that you go into depth for your design choices as all designers must design by thought process.
