Monday, November 23, 2015

Text Effects

For this project we used our name with a font downloaded from the internet and added different affects to the words and letters, such as changes in the drop shadow and inner shadows. I used the dissolve effect to make the outlines sharper as well. I didn't use my name for this project because it does not signify me in a single way. I hate the color blue, and if it were up to me, which it wasn't, I would have had a rainbow background. I guess im tacky.

Friday, November 20, 2015


In this project I learned how to download Photoshop paintbrushes using Once I downloaded the brushes I altered the flow to give more texture to the tree. Using multiple layers I made a blue sky with clouds in the background and colorful different sized leaves in the forefront falling from the tree.


In this project we uploaded pictures from the internet, turned them black and white, adjusted the contrast and brightness, and then painted where we desired. I learned how to adjust the flow additional to adding a lighting affect on the paintbrush to make the colors appear more transparent.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Halloween Card

During the Halloween season we created Halloween cards on illustrator without using lines but only using shapes, even for those very thin gray slits. Also every piece of the mummies wrapping is a slightly different shade of manila. My card was used for the Halloween cards the gave to administration in the front office. the inside of the card says, "hopefully the toilet paper will stay on the rolls this year!"

Self Portrait

During This project we were introduced to Photoshop. Here we learned to use Ctrl T to select something and the magic wand to highlight something and erase the surrounding background. The left side is my life at school, and the wallpaper is my least favorite subject, math. On the other side of the door is Manhattan, NYC, where I have applied to attend for school, even though FSU is my top choice, as shown on The founder of forensic psychology, showcased as a pin. This is the field i wish to study, and i choose to make this side of the picture very colorful using gradient tool because life will be much more colorful after High school.